If I can’t talk to my teacher about puberty, where do I go?

Dear Diary,

It’s been a month since my body began to change, and I’m feeling more and more uncomfortable in my own skin. My breasts are growing, and sometimes they get in the way when I’m running or playing sports. I worry that my classmates will make fun of me, and I don’t want to be embarrassed.

I’ve talked to my friend Hayat about these changes, but we’re both going through them at the same time, and we don’t know what to do. We even tried asking our science teacher for advice, but he didn’t seem interested in helping us.

Feeling lost and unsure, we came up with a wild idea. After school, we decided to visit the clinic near our house and see if they could help us. When we arrived, we found a kind nurse at the reception who listened to our concerns and answered our questions.

I learned today that sometimes we have to be brave and seek out answers to our questions, even if it means going outside of our comfort zone. It’s not easy to navigate these changes on my own, but I’m grateful to have Hayat by my side and to know that there are resources available to us.

As I close this entry, I’m reminded that growth can be uncomfortable, but it’s a natural part of life, and I’ll get through it one step at a time.

Yours truly,

What does it feel to be a woman

As I was walking back home from school, my mind was filled with conflicting emotions. We were asked in class what it feels like to be a woman. On one hand, I loved the little things that came with being a woman – the way I could style my hair, the way I could feel beautiful and confident. But on the other hand, the burden of societal expectations weighed heavily on me.

At home, I was expected to take on womanly duties – cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the household. Outside, people were constantly commenting on my appearance, making me feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. And at school, while I felt most like myself, I still struggled with the changes that puberty was bringing.

But despite all this, I knew that I could be strong and intelligent, just like I had always wanted to be. And as I entered my house, I was reminded of the love and support of those around me. My favorite teacher, who always made me feel safe, and my friends who laughed and joked with me – they were the ones who truly mattered.

And as I settled into my evening routine, I felt grateful for the little things that made me who I was. The way my hair fell in soft curls around my face, the way my favorite dress made me feel like a princess, the way my laughter filled the room. These were the things that truly made me happy, and I knew that no matter what the world threw my way, I could always hold onto them. 

Because at the end of the day, being a woman was about so much more than societal expectations – it was about being true to myself, and embracing all the little things that made me who I was.

Love is in the Air: Unwrap Our Valentine’s Day Starter Pack

For many people, it’s crucial to capture the feeling of desire or love on Valentine’s Day. To assist with this, we’ve compiled some essentials to help you remember what truly matters.

It’s not about the chocolate!

It’s true, chocolate may be a classic symbol of love and affection, but the sweetness it brings pales in comparison to the joy of spending time with the one you cherish. Don’t let the calendar dictate when you should show your love; every day is an opportunity to celebrate the connection between you and your significant other.

Sure, a box of chocolates may make their heart skip a beat, but the real magic lies in the moments shared. It’s the laughter over inside jokes, the shared experiences that strengthen the bond, and the feeling of being truly seen and understood by another human being.

So go ahead and indulge in some chocolate if you please, but remember that it’s just a sweet treat. The real gift is the love you give and receive every day, in big and small ways. Celebrate your love not just on special occasions, but every chance you get. After all, that’s what makes life truly sweet.

Safer Sex

Why not make safe sex a sexy part of your Valentine’s Day plans? It’s not only responsible but also rewarding – you’ll feel confident and satisfied knowing you’re taking care of yourself and your partner. So, whether you get tested or use your preferred protection method, such as condoms or birth control pills, can be effective tools in preventing unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. It is crucial to have open and honest communication with a partner about contraception and to make informed decisions about sexual health. remember: the safer, the better.

Be your own valentine 

On this day of love, let’s not forget to extend that love to ourselves. While it’s easy to get caught up in sending messages of affection to those we care about, why not take this opportunity to start a new tradition of self-love?

Being kind to yourself can take many forms, from treating yourself to a relaxing bubble bath to indulging in your favorite food. It can also mean letting go of self-judgment and negative self-talk and focusing on positive affirmations and gratitude.

After all, the relationship we have with ourselves sets the tone for all our other relationships. By loving ourselves first, we are better equipped to show love and kindness to others.

So this Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate the love within us. Let’s make a promise to be kinder to ourselves and practice self-love every day. Because when we love ourselves, the world becomes a brighter and more beautiful place.

Molar pregnancy & its possible medical complications

Molar pregnancy & its possible medical complications

A molar pregnancy which is also known as hydatidiform mole is a rare complication of pregnancy characterised by the abnormal growth of trophoblasts, the cells that normally develop into the placenta.

There are two types of molar pregnancy, complete molar pregnancy and partial molar pregnancy. In a complete molar pregnancy, the placental tissue is abnormal and swollen and appears to form fluid-filled cysts. There’s also no formation of fetal tissue. In a partial molar pregnancy, there may be normal placental tissue along with abnormally forming placental tissue. 

There may also be formation of a fetus, but the fetus is not able to survive, and is usually miscarried early in the pregnancy.


A molar pregnancy may seem like a normal pregnancy at first, but most molar pregnancies cause specific symptoms, including:

  • Dark brown to bright red vaginal bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Sometimes vaginal passage of grape like cysts
  • Pelvic pressure or pain

Risk factors

Approximately 1 in every 1,000 pregnancies is diagnosed as a molar pregnancy. Various factors are associated with molar pregnancy, including:

  • Maternal age. A molar pregnancy is more likely in women older than age 35 or younger than age 20.
  • Previous molar pregnancy. If you’ve had one molar pregnancy, you’re more likely to have another. 


A molar pregnancy can have serious complications including a rare form of cancer and requires early treatment. 

After a molar pregnancy has been removed, molar tissue may remain and continue to grow. This is called persistent gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). This occurs in about 15% to 20% of complete molar pregnancies, and up to 5% of partial molar pregnancies.

Rarely, a cancerous form of GTN known as choriocarcinoma develops and spreads to other organs. Choriocarcinoma is usually successfully treated with multiple cancer drugs. A complete molar pregnancy is more likely to have this complication than a partial molar pregnancy.


During any subsequent pregnancies, your care provider may do early ultrasounds to monitor your condition and offer reassurance of normal development. Your provider may also discuss prenatal genetic testing, which can be used to diagnose a molar pregnancy.

Benefits of modern contraceptives

Benefits of modern contraceptives

Benefits of modern contraceptives

 Contraception can be used to plan when people have children and how many children they have. 

This includes choosing:

  • when they want to begin having children
  • how far apart they want their children to be
  • when they want to stop having children

This is everybody’s right under the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Young people are especially at risk of problems in pregnancy. Contraception allows them to put off having children until their bodies are fully able to support a pregnancy.

Contraceptive use reduces the need for abortion by preventing unwanted pregnancies. It therefore reduces cases of unsafe abortion, one of the leading causes of maternal death worldwide.

Early pregnancy can also cause health problems for the baby. Babies born to teenagers are likely to be underweight before and at birth and are at higher risk of neonatal mortality (death of a newborn within 28 days of birth).

Pregnancies that are too close together or poorly timed contribute to high infant mortality rates – that is, the rate of babies that die within their first year of life.

Contraceptive use lets people plan their pregnancies so they can make sure the baby is getting the best care before and after birth.

Contraceptive use slows population growth. This is important because overpopulation puts pressure on the environment, the economy and services such as education and health.

Aging and SRH changes in men & women

Aging and SRH changes in men & women

Aging and SRH changes in men & women

Age-related physiological changes do not render a meaningful sexual relationship impossible or even necessarily difficult. In men, greater physical stimulation is required to attain and maintain erections, and orgasms are less intense. In women, menopause terminates fertility and produces changes due to estrogen deficiency. The extent to which aging affects sexual function depends largely on psychological, pharmacological, and illness-related factors.

In women, vaginal walls become thinner, dryer, less elastic, and possibly irritated. Sometimes sex becomes painful due to these vaginal changes. The risk for vaginal yeast infections increases. The external genital tissue decreases and can become irritated.

Unlike women, men do not experience a major, rapid (over several months) change in fertility as they age (like menopause). Aging changes in the male reproductive system occur primarily in the testes.

In middle and old age, the reproductive systems undergo significant changes: a gradual decline in fertility and fluctuations in the production of sex hormones, the latter triggering anatomical and physiological changes in distant organs and tissues.
